Susana Lucas

Project Coordinator, R1 coordinator, Course 1 coordinator, contribute in Courses 1, 3, 4 and 6.

Susana Lucas is the project BUILD2050 coordinator. She is affiliated with the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) in Portugal. She holds dual PhDs in Chemical and Civil Engineering, with a focus on humane, sustainable, healthy, and regenerative construction.

For any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Cláudio Miguel Sapateiro

Internal Committee coordinator, IPS contact point to R5, contribute in course 5.

Cláudio Miguel Sapateiro, PhD in Computer Engineering from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (2013). Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) since 2001. Currently, coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Software Engineering at the IPS School of Technology in Setúbal.

Participate regularly in consulting and R&D projects that involve data analysis and management / optimization of various phases of the applied software development cycle.
He has published periodically in international scientific conferences and journals. It includes in his current applied research interests, the digitization of buildings toward efficiency and comfort by applying existing and emerging technologies in the area of ​​home automation, IoT and data analysis. (Intends to contribute to Project BUILD2050 on: Course 5 – Digitization of Buildings)

J`ulia Justino

Co coordinator of Pedagogical Framework

Nelson Carriço

Coordinator of course 3

Nuno Teixeira

Contribute in course 7

Ricardo Salgado

Contribute in course 3

Ricardo Salgado (RS) holds his PhD in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (2011) at NOVA University of Lisbon, a MSc in Ecology (2004) at University of Lisbon, postgraduate in Aquaculture (2017) at Huelva University. Currently, RS is an Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS), coordinates the Environmental and Marine Technology graduation course at IPS since 2016 and he is researcher at LAQV/REQUIMTE, at the University NOVA of Lisbon and CINEA research center, at the IPS.
The most important research areas are related with environmental engineering and biotecnology, biological reactors, biodegradation, biodegradation by-product identification, solid phase microextraction, solid phase extraction, pharmaceutical active compounds, musks, pesticides, photolysis, MP/UVradiation, chlorination, water treatment and wastewater treatment plants and aquaculture production.

Luis Coelho

Contribute in course 2

Coming Soon!

Carla A. Gamelas (CG)

Contribute in course 3

Carla A. Gamelas (CG) is a Chemical Engineer by Instituto Superior Técnico, with a PhD in Chemistry by ITQB – Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She holds a post-graduation in Sanitation Engineering by FCT – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where she specialized in water and wastewater treatment. CG is a Coordinator Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS), where she coordinates the Higher Technical Course (CTeSP) in Environmental and Food Quality and is responsible for the curricular unit of Water Treatment and Supply of the Environmental and Marine Technology graduation course.
She is a Researcher at CINEA/IPS and Instituto Superior Técnico, where her research is related with environmental engineering and in the last years, she specialized in air quality, with a particular focus on particulate matter chemical characterization and the identification of the contribution of pollution sources by source apportionment techniques, and biomonitoring.
She worked in 7 national research projects and 1 project with a public entity, published 25 papers in ISI peer review journals (h-index 13 with 502 citations) and her work was presented in 41 communications in international conferences.
She supervised 7 and co-supervised 1 MSc thesis and was a reviewer in 7 scientific journals.

Fernando Cunha

Contribute in course 2

Fernando Cunha, Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, teaches subjects on Waste Management and Treatment, Air Quality and Gas Effluent Treatment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Sustainability and Environment in Industry and Buildings.
He develops R&D at PRODUTECH- Pole of Production Technologies, in the study areas of eco-effectiveness, eco-efficiency and circular economy, in a life cycle assessment approach.
He considers his participation in Build2050, specifically in Course 6-Sustainable, Healthy and Regenerative Construction and Course 7-Circular Economy and LCA methodology applied to construction.

Nuno Pereira

Contribute in course 2

Nuno Pereira, Assistant Professor in the scientific area of Applied Thermodynamics, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. PhD in Mechanical Engineering with work on the Crossflow hydraulic turbine and void fraction and velocity measurement in air–water flows. Teaching in the areas of Fluid Mechanics, Renewable Energy, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. Technical services in energy audits in buildings. Areas of interest in the BUILD2050 project: “Course 2 – Zero Energy and Positive Energy Buildings towards the full decarbonization” and “Course 3 – Circular water management in Buildings”.

Paulo Fontes

Contribute in course 2GW

Paulo Fontes, Coordinating Professor in the area of Applied Thermodynamics at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at ESTSetúbal/IPS. PhD, R&D projects, teaching and technical services in the following areas: combustion, thermal equipment, renewable energies and energy efficiency.
Area of interest of the BUILD2050 project: Course 2 – Zero Energy and Positive Energy Buildings towards the full decarbonization.

Cecilia Mazzoli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Architecture – University of Bologna

Academic discipline: ICAR/10 Architectural Engineering

Construction Engineer, graduated in Building and Architectural Engineering, PhD in Architecture at the University of Bologna in co-direction with the Université de Paris-Est, with a degree recognized in Italy and France.

Thanks to the study and research experiences carried out abroad in the field of scientific discipline ICAR10, and her profile is oriented towards the enhancement of cultural heritage, the preservation of local constructive techniques, the conservation and restoration of historical and recent built patrimony, performance renovation and energy refurbishment of recent building stock. She publishes papers on the abovementioned research fields and presents them at national and international congresses and workshops.

Since 2011, she has collaborated with the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna, participating in research projects and scientific publications and conducting teaching activities in the framework of the following courses: Technical Architecture I with Laboratory, Technical Architecture II with Laboratory, and Integrated Sustainable Design for the Degree in Building and Architectural Engineering; Technical Architecture for the Degree in Advanced Design; Technical and Digital Design for the Degree in Civil Engineering.

She participates in the activities of the research groups dedicated to the following European projects: from 2019 “DRIVE 0 – Driving Decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process” ( within the Horizon 2020 Programme; from 2022 “CrAFt – Creating Actionable Futures” within the Horizon Europe – New European Bauhaus Programme; from 2022 “BUILD2050 – Training for Sustainable and Healthy Building for 2050” within the Erasmus+ Programme; from 2023 “Re-Value – Re-Valuing Urban Quality & Climate Neutrality in European Waterfront Cities” within the Horizon Europe – New European Bauhaus Programme.

She is also involved in the research activities for the European Horizon 2020 projects: “e-SAFE – Energy and Seismic AFfordable rEnovation solutions”.

Cecilia Mazzoli: R2 coordinator, Course 6 coordinator, contributes in R1, R2, R3, courses 4 and 6.

Anna Chiara Benedett

Research fellow, Adjunct professor and Teaching tutor

Department of Architecture – University of Bologna

Academic discipline: ICAR/10 Architectural Engineering

Construction engineer graduated in Architecture and Building Engineering from the School of Engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna, and PhD in Architecture and Design Cultures (XXXIV cycle) on “Re-construction for Regeneration” (final exam: June 2022).

Her main research interests focus on building heritage preservation and regeneration of recent building stock, comparing different intervention strategies (demolition with reconstruction or energy refurbishment/renovation) implemented at the building and urban scale, and performance analyses using LCA methodology according to circularity principles.

Since 2017, she has collaborated with the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna in the following courses: Restoration and Preservation of Buildings and Integrated Sustainable Design for the Degree in Architecture and Building Engineering and Technical Architecture for the Degree in Advanced Design.

Since 2022, she has participated in the research group of “CrAFt – Creating Actionable Futures” within the Horizon Europe – New European Bauhaus Programme, and “BUILD2050 – Training for Sustainable and Healthy Building for 2050” within the Erasmus+ Programme.

Anna Chiara Benedetti contributes in R1, R2, R3, courses 4 and 6.

Annarita Ferrante

Full Professor

Department of Architecture – University of Bologna

Academic discipline: ICAR/10 Architectural Engineering

Full professor since 2019 and former Associate professor at the University of Bologna since 2014, A.F. carries out her research in the field of sustainable architecture and the criteria for transforming the built heritage according to environmentally sustainable procedures.

She has been carrying out research and teaching activities for years, both nationally and internationally, within the ICAR 10 disciplinary sector, with specific reference to the instances associated with sustainable design, urban regeneration, procedures and assessment tools performance of the built.

The aspects connected to the cost-benefit analysis of the renovation of the existing settlements are tackled in relation to the energy performance, the quality of the buildings, and the technical feasibility of construction innovation.

The teaching activity and the field of international research related to European projects integrate each other, creating effective contaminations and positive synergies with the first and second level courses of the ICAR 10 sector, with specific reference to the subjects of Technical Architecture, Design Sustainable and Sustainable Building Design.

Annarita Ferrante: UNIBO scientific coordinator for “BUILD2050 – Training for Sustainable and Healthy Building for 2050”

Jacopo Famiglietti

Civil Engineer from the University of Pisa. He has worked from almost 10 years in LCA and sustainability field applied to buildings and industrial sectors. He is an expert of LCA modeling and in the development of tools/software and datasets for calculating the environmental impact of products.

He is the scientific coordinator of the LIFE TTGG project and project leader of international and national research projects. Author of scientific publications published in international journals and conferences proceedings.

Rossano Scoccia

Senior researcher at the Department of Energy of Politecnico di Milano (Italy). He is a building engineer and PhD in energy and nuclear science from Politecnico di Milano. He has worked for more than 15 years in the HVAC and renewable energy sources sectors.

He is an expert of dynamic energy simulations of building and HVAC systems.
He is project leader of international and national research and innovation projects. He teaches Building Services Energy modelling and Building physics at Master courses at Politecnico di Milano.

Hashem Amini Toosi

A Ph.D. candidate at the ABC Department and a research fellow at the Energy
Department of Politecnico di Milano. His main research focus is to develop integrated optimization models to implement life cycle sustainability assessment in building and energy retrofit design.

Within his Ph.D. research, he worked on parametric building energy and life cycle modeling, multiobjective optimization, machine learning methods, and decision-making models in energy-efficient and zero-emission building design. He collaborates with RELAB within the research projects in LCA and data science to evaluate the environmental footprint of energy systems, buildings, and cities.

Mohammad Abdollah

A Ph.D. candidate at the energy department of Politecnico di Milano. His work focuses on machine learning application in buildings energy application. Within his Ph.D. work he focused on data driven fault detection and diagnostics in the HVAC system in buildings.

Maria K. Koukou

Course 2 Coordinator

Dr. Maria K. Koukou is Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-food and Management of Natural Resources of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) in the field of analysis and design of processes and industrial installations.

She graduated from Chemical Engineering Department, University of Patras in 1991 and she awarded with a PhD degree in Chemical Engineering in 1997 from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in the field of installations analysis and design. Her research interests focus on the analysis and design of installations and processes with an emphasis on optimization of their operation and energy saving. In recent years she has been working with issues related with Renewable Energy Sources (RES Solar and Geothermal) installations in combination with thermal energy storage technologies to cover heating, cooling and domestic hot water needs in buildings and other facilities. Since 1992, she has participated in more than twenty European and Greek research projects in most of which she had a leading research role and in subjects as analysis and design of devices and processes, energy saving, quality assurance, etc. Prof. Koukou has published more than 100 scientific publications in international journals and conferences, and she has made more than 20 announcements in Greek conferences and workshops. She is also co-author of one European patent (and another one pending), two books on Renewable Energy Sources and 2 chapters in books related to installations design. She has taught courses in two Postgraduate Programmes (MSc level) and she has been member of scientific and organization committees in international conferences and workshops. She is also a member of ASHRAE, the Technical Chamber of Greece and other professional and scientific bodies.

Michail Gr. Vrachopoulos

Dr. Michalis Gr. Vrachopoulos is Professor and Deputy Chair in the Department of Agricultural Development, Agri-Food and Natural Resources Management. He holds a PhD degree from the National Technical University of Athens and many years of experience in thermal behavior of buildings, design of energy installations and Renewable Energy Sources (RES) installations with an emphasis on solar and geothermal energy.

He is the Director of the Energy and Environmental Research Laboratory (E2ReLab) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in which research is conducted funded by competitive research programs of the GSRT(COOPERATION, RESEARCH CREATE INNOVATION, etc.) and the European Commission (HORIZON, INTERREG, etc.) in which he is Scientific Resposnible. Also, due to his extensive experience, he supports public bodies (eg Municipality of Alexandroupolis, Municipality of Dirfyon Messapia, Municipality of Western Lesbos, etc.) and Private Sector in matters of energy saving and RES. Prof. Vrachopoulos has many publications in international journals and conferences and has authored or co-authored six (6) books on heating cooling air conditioning and RES (one in progress). He is also co-author of one European patent (and another two pending). His scientific work has significant recognition at an international level, while he has participated in Scientific Committees of international conferences and is a member of international organizations (eg ASHRAE). He had an important executive and scientific role leading together with the Coordinator the project TESSe2b: Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings. An integrated solution for residential building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources, Horizon 2020 project, GA680555 which has been characterized as one of the successful projects of the previous Horizon programming period of the European Commission.

Antonis Livieratos

Course 8 coordinator

Antonis Livieratos is Assistant Professor at the Department of Business Administration of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens specialized in the fields of business strategy, management of innovation and entrepreneurship.

He studied Economics at the Department of Economic Sciences of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He holds a master’s degree in Management of Innovation and Technology from the University Paris Dauphine (France) and a PhD in Business strategy of new technology-based startups from the University Paris Sud 11 (France). Antonis Livieratos has a long experience in working with startups from various positions. He was the co-founder of several startups and has worked more than 15 years as a coach and consultant for startups in various industries. He is currently heading the Technology Transfer Office and the Business accelerator of the National and Kapodistrian Univeristy of Athens (Archimedes Center of Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship). His research interests are mainly in the fields of open innovation and entrepreneurship. He speaks English, French and German.

Christos Manasis

Professor of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. PhD in Electrical Engineering (University of Patras, Greece); Director of the Energy Systems Laboratory, former Director of the M.Sc. programme “Intelligent Management of Renewable Energy Systems”.

Lectures on Power Systems Analysis, Power Systems Laboratory, High Voltage Engineering, High Voltage Engineering Laboratory; Consultant, Public Power Corporation of Greece/ Generation-Transmission System Studies Department, Load flow studies, Overvoltage and insulation coordination studies, Analysis of transient phenomena in transmission system; gamified course content development. 

John Konstantaras

M.Sc. in Intelligent Management of Renewable Energy Resources. B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering; has designed and developed a hybrid On/OFF grid – battery powered – inverter/charger with 5kVA power rating. Expertise in programs and platforms for measurements, control and measurements and control, renewable energy systems and power electronics.

Has worked as a quality control inspector for Halcor S.A. Currently works as measurements and data analyst in the Energy & Research Laboratory of NKUA. Freelance electrical engineer; designs and implements automation systems for smart buildings and high efficiency HVACR systems.
Has published over 10 papers in journals and conference proceedings.

Fani Lavrenti

Freelance Mechanical Engineer; MSc. in Energy B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Technological Institute of Chalkida, Greece); Working experience as Research Assistant in research projects targeting Renewable Energy Sources applications.

Leda Tzannetou

PhD candidate of the General Department of Physics of the Faculty of Sciences of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (NKUA), with the theme “Detection of magnetic anomalies in the geomagnetic background”.

Graduate of the Interdepartmental Program of postgraduate studies in Physical and Technological Applications (FTE) of the School of Applied Mathematical and Physics Science (SAMPS) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece. Graduate of the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (NKUA).

Dimitris Enea Mele

PhD Candidate with the theme “An Intelligent Decision Support System for the monitoring, control and optimization of autonomous power grids”. Currently working as a Senior Automation Lead; Engaged in research projects with the Energy Systems Laboratory of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; research interests include RES microgrids, load and energy forecasting methods, machine learning and AI algorithm`s.

Joanna Aleksiejuk Gawron

Tomasz Bakoń

Tomasz Bakoń, Dr.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering, is an assistant professor at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. His scientific background includes renewable energy, energy storage, power engineering, electrical grids, relays & protection systems, metrology (both electrical & non-electrical values), calibration, power quality, and power electronics. He is part of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Fundamentals of Engineering and Energy at SGGW.

Piotr F. Borowski

C4 – Innovative Construction Materials

C7 – Circular Economy and LCA methodology applied to construction

Dr. Piotr F. Borowski is affiliated with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. His scientific interests include management, strategic management, CO2 emission reduction, green energy, and green materials in the construction sector.

Coming Soon!