The work on the European Guide was completed on 31.12.2024 in the form of a report, with all partners involved in this effort, guided by SGGW.
The European Guide on advanced training for BUILD2050 promoted new forms of education through the sharing of experience and methodology for creating an integrated transnational training approach.
It was achieved through the following activities:
– The technical compilation of the developed methodology, which allowed training to be carried out jointly and simultaneously by different European higher education institutes (HEIs);
– The compilation of BUILD2050 content with the inputs of the assessments, integrating the systematization of common and distinct aspects by EU member states, facilitating replication by HEIs from countries with distinct and specific realities;
– The development of General Application Recommendations to be considered when replicating the training, including logistical, administrative, communication, technical, and institutional aspects;
– The creation of Monitoring Recommendations aimed at ensuring successful replication;uccessful replication;
– The formulation of a Business Exploration Plan, oriented towards economic sustainability in the development of target groups. This plan provided an adequate presentation of the training experience and made available all the necessary information for other HEIs or interested stakeholders to replicate the training.
The tasks were divided as follows:
– Technical compilation of the developed methodology
– Compilation of developed content BUILD2050
– Systematization of common and distinct aspects by EU member state
– General Application Recommendations
– Monitoring Recommendations
– Business Exploration Plan
The dissemination of the European Guide was carried out by all partners.